
Get better translations with Convertus

Manual translations and AI — Best of two worlds in a single Translation Management System

Göteborgs UniversitetUppsala UniversitetLunds UniversitetKTH
What's in it for you?

You have 100% control

Convertus uses standard AI translation models and combines them with a Translation Memory. This means you can add your own vocabulary into a private memory with nothing to lose from DeepL or Google Translate. And the more you use it, the more it learns.


How does it work?

The original content is on the left and the translation is on the right. The content is divided sentence by sentence. This makes it easy for you to manually check it before approving it.

Internal Databases

You can integrate many internal processes – be it your course syllabi, emails or urls.


You can upload any document. We integrate with Microsoft Office, PDFs and even videos. Once a translation gets approved, you will be able to download a new artefact that will keep the style of the original: presentations, logos, etc.

Translation Management

Convertus is more than just a translation tool. You can manage it to outsource your translations, to coordinate translators, and to review your content before it gets published.


How are they using us?

Translating courses, job applications, internal documentation and even presentations. We were there for them. We are here for you.

Thank you for the fast help!

Uppsala University

Over 167,960 sentences translated, reducing 88% of translation workload.

Lund University

Impressively fast implementation and deployment!!


Common Questions

Customized translation systems

Customize your translations today, and gain control over efficiency.